Homeschooling in Arizona: Guidance for Getting Started

Looking for Arizona homeschooling information? Here it is! Find out what paperwork you need to file to get started as a homeschooler and what subjects you need to teach your child each year. Learn the homeschool requirements and regulations for everything from standardized testing and kindergarten to recordkeeping and high school transcripts.  

Maybe you’re excited about the new Arizona school voucher expansion, thinking now you can finally afford to homeschool! To learn how this generous state funding for homeschooling works, click here

Also discover great Arizona field trips, how much homeschooling really costs, and exactly who to contact in your area if you have questions about getting started.

Homeschooling in Arizona: Guidance for Getting StartedHomeschooling in Arizona: Guidance for Getting Started

DISCLAIMER: This article is not written as legal advice. Check with your local school board and official Arizona laws before making decisions about educating your children.

Homeschooling in Arizona: Guidance for Getting StartedHomeschooling in Arizona: Guidance for Getting Started

Is it easy to homeschool in Arizona?

Homeschooling is not strictly regulated in Arizona, so for most families, it’s an easy state to homeschool in. To see statistics about homeschooling in Arizona and discover how popular it is, see this official Home School Data Dashboard from the Maricopa County School.

The N. Family, Sonlighters in Chandler, AZThe N. Family, Sonlighters in Chandler, AZ
The N. Family, Sonlighters in Chandler, AZ

Requirements for Homeschooling in Arizona

Great news! Arizona homeschooling statues are not complicated. The rules for homeschooling in Arizona indicate some simple paperwork to file and a short list of five academic subjects to teach. Compared to many other states, Arizona’s homeschooling laws are easy-peasy!

How many days are required for homeschool in Arizona?

Arizona does not stipulate any minimum number of days of instruction. Neither does the state have  homeschooling hour requirements

Do you have to be certified to homeschool in Arizona?

No, parents do not have to be certified as teachers or hold any other type of certification to homeschool their own children.

Do parents need qualifications to homeschool in Arizona?

Arizona does not outline any parent qualifications to homeschool your own children.

Who is eligible for homeschooling?

Any parent or guardian can opt to homeschool in Arizona as long as they file the correct paperwork.

You are obligated to file a letter of intent for homeschooling in Arizona. This is formally called an Affidavit of Intent to Homeschool. It must be notarized and  include the following information:

  • child’s name
  • child’s date of birth
  • family address
  • parent’s name
  • parent’s telephone number

Along with the Affidavit of Intent to Homeschool, also submit proof of the child’s identity and age—typically a birth certificate. This important document will be returned to you once the school district makes a copy for their own records.

Submit both the Affidavit of Intent and the proof of birth to the superintendent of your county’s district within 30 days of beginning to homeschool (or of the date when your child turns 6 years old). You may do this via mail or in person. 

This rule holds whether you are homeschooling for the first time with a 6-year old or if you’re switching from public school to homeschooling in Arizona. The form has to be submitted only once unless your county of residence changes. 

Here’s an example form from the Maricopa County School Superintendent. Check to see if your county has a specific form they want you to use or if you can use a more general template.

Is unschooling legal in Arizona?

Yes, unschooling is legal in Arizona. Unschooling is a style of teaching that is very student-led, letting the child set the pace and often the topics and materials as well. As long as you are fulfilling your obligation to teach reading, grammar, math, social studies, and science, you are free to choose whatever methods or resources you like.

Can I homeschool someone else's child in Arizona?

In Arizona, home school is defined as “a school conducted primarily by the parent, guardian or other person who has custody of the child or instruction provided in the child's home." Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. §15—802F.1.

This definition does not rule out being hired to instruct someone else’s child in the child’s home, under the supervision of the legal guardian. So while it’s a bit unusual, it seems that you could possibly homeschool someone else’s child in Arizona. Since the parent files the paperwork with the school district, the parent is ultimately responsible for the instruction, but there’s no prohibition against hiring out some of the teaching.

What do I need to homeschool my child in Arizona?

Since the Arizona homeschool requirements are so minimal, your needs are the same as any other homeschooler in the nation

  • You’ll want to make sure you have the right mindset.
  • You’ll need a place for your books and resources. It doesn't have to be fancy. A single bookshelf or an emptied china cabinet is adequate. 
  • You’ll want spots for learning—probably a comfortable spot for family reading time and a table for pencil and paper work. Your kitchen table and living room couch can do double duty here as homeschool areas. You don’t need a dedicated homeschool room.
  • You’ll need basic school supplies, of course.
  • A schedule or routine will make your days easier to manage, especially if you have very young children.
The T. Family, Sonlighters from Glendale, AZThe T. Family, Sonlighters from Glendale, AZ
The T. Family, Sonlighters from Glendale, AZ

What are the homeschool requirements in Arizona?

Arizona homeschooling requirements are relatively lax. By way of proof, there is nothing required for homeschooling in Arizona—no attendance records, no lists of curriculum, and no annual assessments. There are no standardized testing or other reporting requirements for homeschoolers.

The only homeschooling requirements in Arizona are to file the affidavit with your district and provide instruction in five subject areas:




social studies


Of course, to protect yourself, it’s a good idea to keep records in case there ever were a question about your actions. While these are optional, we suggest keeping notes about:

  • what days you had school lessons
  • what you learned week by week
  • a list of curriculum and resources
  • any field trips you took
  • any extra-curricular activities and co-ops
  • samples of student work

To help you organize your records, use the Sonlight planner. It has pages for the most common records that homeschoolers keep.

Your homeschool records don’t have to be extremely detailed or formal, but a paper trail that clearly indicates you have a plan and are following a dedicated program of study for your children will go a long way to clearing up any possible confusion about your suitability as a homeschool parent.

Plus, you’ll appreciate having records for your own benefit! It’s incredibly rewarding to look back and see all you covered with your child and see growth from the beginning of a school year to the end.

Do you have to have a curriculum when homeschooling in Arizona?

Technically no. As an Arizona homeschooler, you aren’t required to have a curriculum. The filing of your affidavit of intent to homeschool implies that you will provide instruction in the five required areas, but aside from committing to do so, there are no other stipulations about your teaching and no reporting required to prove that you’ve done it.

But you’re homeschooling to provide your child with an excellent education, right? So you want the absolute best materials and ones that will make life easy for you. That’s why using a curriculum is a wise choice. Download the free printable curriculum comparison checklist to help you narrow down your options.

Homeschool Curriculum Comparison ChecklistHomeschool Curriculum Comparison Checklist

For greatest ease and great savings, opt for a Sonlight All-Subjects Package. It will cover all the Arizona required subjects and so much more, giving your child a rich education that instills a love of learning. 

If you’re comparing online homeschooling to print curriculum, realize that there’s no substitute for real books. Learn the unparalleled benefits of Sonlight’s literature-based approach here.  

Do homeschoolers have to take standardized tests in Arizona?

No, in Arizona, homeschool laws do not mandate any testing for homeschooled students. Although not required, some homeschool parents find benefit in occasional testing. Watch the video below to see the possible advantages of standardized testing for homeschoolers even when it’s not required.

Getting Starting & Timing

Ready to get started as a homeschooler in Arizona? Learn how homeschooling works in The Grand Canyon State and what you’ll need to do to become an official homeschooler.

How do I start homeschooling in Arizona?

The Arizona Department of Education states, “Home Schooling is under the jurisdiction of each county. Please contact your county directly for more information.” To help you get started, here are links for the school districts in each of Arizona’s 15 counties. Where possible, we’ve linked directly to the district’s information about homeschooling. 

School District Websites for 15 Arizona Counties

  1. Apache County, AZ
  2. Cochise County, AZ
  3. Coconino County, AZ*
  4. Gila County, AZ
  5. Graham County, AZ
  6. Greenlee County, AZ*
  7. La Paz County, AZ
  8. Maricopa County, AZ
  9. Mohave County, AZ
  10. Navajo County, AZ
  11. Pima County, AZ
  12. Pinal County, AZ
  13. Santa Cruz County, AZ*
  14. Yavapai County, AZ
  15. Yuma County, AZ

* Website does not include information specific to homeschooling. Use the contact information to begin your inquiry.

If you move to another AZ county, be sure to notify your previous county that you’ve moved and file a new Affidavit of Intent to Homeschool in your new county of residence.

Once you’ve filed your affidavit of intent to homeschool with your county, download this getting started checklist for more to-dos.

At what age is school mandatory in Arizona?

School is compulsory in Arizona for ages 6-16. 

However as a homeschooler, there is an option to delay formal schooling until the age of 8. To do so, simply indicate your desire to delay schooling until age 8 on your Affidavit of Intent to Homeschool.

Can you skip kindergarten in Arizona?

Homeschooling kindergarten in Arizona is optional. You can skip kindergarten in Arizona since compulsory school age begins at 6. But those early years of homeschooling are so precious. Why skip them! To provide gentle instruction in the years prior to age six, use Sonlight’s three early years programs: 

  1. product-img
    Pre-Kindergarten Package