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Sonlight's Online Homeschool Platform
Sonlight Online is a digital platform that enables Sonlight families to access their lesson plans, notes, assignments, and more online!
Sonlight Online offers two formats to cater to different learning needs. Sonlight Guides grant access to online instructor guides for Levels K to H. Meanwhile, Sonlight Virtual empowers high school students to work independently by granting them access to online instructor guides and daily auto-graded assessments. Additionally, Sonlight Virtual includes a parent account feature, enabling parents to review assessments and track their student’s academic progress with ease.
What about all the Sonlight books?
Sonlight’s physical books will never go away! As the leading Christian, literature-based curriculum utilizing physical books—living books—is, and always will be at the core of our homeschool program.
With Sonlight Online, you get the best of both worlds—the convenience of fully-planned, digital lesson plans combined with the academic excellence of a literature-based education.

What is available with Sonlight Online?
Built on the reliable Buzz Learning Management System, Sonlight Online offers three choices that provide the perfect balance of independent and parent-led study. It provides the support children need as they complete assessments independently and it is easy for parents to check their student’s work from a computer or mobile device.

Online Instructor Guides
Simplify your planning and recordkeeping—online! Purchase a digital version of your Sonlight Instructor’s Guide and get 24/7 online access for Levels K to H.
- Online access to Instructor Guide
- Parent and student access lesson plans, assignments, notes, and more
- Manual tracking of assignments
- Manual grade book for easy record-keeping
- Assignment upload

Virtual Courses
Sonlight Virtual offers digital planning and record-keeping and auto-graded assessments for Level 100-400 High School Literature/Language Arts courses.
Everything included in Online Instructor Guide, plus:
- Auto-graded assessments
- Automatic and manual parent grading
- Parent and student accounts with messaging for online feedback
- Purchase now. Access available July 1, 2024.
How do I purchase a Sonlight Online Guide?
Purchase access to a Sonlight Online Guide individually, or for the best discount, add on to your All-Subjects Package, History / Bible / Literature, Science, Language Arts, or Math course during checkout.
You'll have six months from your purchase date to enroll and gain access to your guide(s) in the online platform. Once enrolled, you'll have online access to your purchased guides for 12 months.
Can I try before I buy?
Yes! Just like our printed Instructor’s Guides, you can sample the first week of every Sonlight Online Guide. Simply create an account and register for the class you’d like to sample.
*Access to your free sample expires after 15 days.

How do I use Online Instructor's Guides?
Tune in for video tutorials on Sonlight's YouTube channel to learn more about navigating and using Online Instructor's Guides.
What subjects can I get an Online Instructor's Guide for?
Add a Sonlight Online Guide to your All-Subjects Package and get 24/7 access to your History / Bible / Literature, Language Arts, Science, and Math program. You may also add an Online Guide individually to each program.
History / Bible / Literature

Available for HBL Levels K through W. Choose 4 or 5-day.
Language Arts

Available for LA Levels K through W. Includes the Reader schedule for K-5. Choose 4 or 5-day.

Available for Math-U-See, RightStart, Saxon, Singapore, Horizons, and Miquon Math. The online math courses offer complete schedules and the ability to upload completed assignments.
What can I expect from Sonlight’s Online Homeschool Program?
Will my student get too much screen time?
Minimal. Unlike most online homeschool programs, Sonlight Online students spend their day reading engaging books, discussing questions with their parents, or working on hands-on projects and science experiments. Students only log in to their online homeschooling program to view the daily schedule and lessons, upload assignments, or view grades.
Can I try before I buy?
Yes. Click on the online offering and create a free account to view a sample from any of our online homeschool offerings.