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Summer Readers
Books for Elementary, Middle, & High School Levels
Depending on how much time you've spent looking at new books, you might have noticed a shift in children's publishing over the last ten years or so, as our culture has changed. Historic Christian values are not a given in children's books (and especially not by pre-teen books).
If your children like to read, I encourage you to be aware of what's out there. There is much that is broken in this world.
But if you're like me, you don't have much spare time to spend previewing all your children's reading to see if there's inappropriate content.
Also, if you're like me, you love (LOVE!) your children's school books. Sonlight chooses good books!
If you have eager readers, who want more good books … and if you want your children to read, but prefer that the books they read remain generally within the values of historic Christianity, and, if not a Christian bent, at least with a redemptive story line, … I have a solution.
Browse Sonlight's Summer Readers by level today.

Encourage your children to read all year long with carefully-selected, age-appropriate readers.
Sarita Holzmann, founder and primary book selector at Sonlight, continues to review about 100 books a month. She passes her favorites to her daughter Jonelle, and, together, they come up with a list of promising titles for boys and girls from elementary through high school.
The boy books tend to have male main characters, with plots that emphasize adventure and danger, with pranks, humor, and hijinks for good measure.
The girl books tend to have female main characters, with plots that emphasize courage and connection, with romance, mystery, and beauty for good measure.
We seek to avoid "twaddle" – Charlotte Mason's perfect word for fluff reading. Even for our fun reading, we prefer well-developed plots and rich characters.
We want children to read good books.
Why Choose Sonlight Summer Readers?

Encourage your children to read — if they don't already love it
Whether you're desperate to keep your voracious readers well-supplied with page turners, or you're trying to encourage your children to enjoy reading, Sonlight Summer Readers are a treat you can all enjoy.

Age-appropriate enjoyment for both boys and girls
Truly great books appeal to a wide range of audiences, but we've divided these summer book list packages by age and gender. Easy to pick a Christian summer reading list package each of your children will love!

Never stop growing
These enticing tales enhance vocabulary, excite the mind, strengthen reading skills, build your home library and draw your kids into the delight of reading. With books this engaging, your children won't want to put them down!

Great year-round
We think these books are the perfect companions for long summer days, as well as after-school reading, or Christmas break. Great books never go out of season!

Special promo pricing
Buy one of the Reader packages for a built-in discount. Or build your own bundle (during select times of the year) and save. If you're a SonlightCaresTM member, you get free shipping (in the lower 48) PLUS an additional 10% off.

Everyone needs a break - and maybe a gift
Any of our summer book list packages will make great birthday and graduation gifts, too, whether the recipients are Sonlighters or not.
Lounging in a hammock, turning pages by flashlight at summer camp, or solving mysteries by the pool, your kids can make memories around books that — just like summer — they don't want to end.

Featured Summer Readers