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Homeschool Language Arts Curriculum
Help your children become excellent readers and writers with Sonlight Language Arts Curriculum. Sonlight's Language Arts links well with your History / Bible / Literature program. We offer both a full Language Arts curriculum program, as well as additional supplements.

Language Arts
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Sonlight offers complete language arts programs for Kindergarten through High School.
Language Arts
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Add to your language arts curriculum program with a variety of materials, including handwriting, spelling, and vocabulary tools.
Language Arts
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Get more information about Sonlight's approach to language arts and find a free eBook and helpful links.
Homeschool Language Arts Programs
"Workbooks don't really teach children how to write effectively," says Dr. Ruth Beechick, homeschool expert and author of The Three R's. Instead, students best learn to write well as they:
- Listen to good writing,
- Look at good writing,
- Copy good writing,
- Then, finally, write on their own!
"Benjamin Franklin taught himself to write this way," explains Dr. Beechick. Benjamin Franklin outlined essays he admired, put them aside for a few days, and later tried an original article by following his outline. "He compared his writing with the model to see where he fell short. Then he tried another, improving his writing all the while."
Sonlight Language Arts programs flow from this principle. Each program guides your children through well-paced writing activities based on the Readers they’re already enjoying in their HBL program.
With Sonlight Language Arts, your students will practice natural learning exercises like these. And practice is key!
Introductory Programs
For Sonlight History / Bible / Literature Levels K-C, we recommend you choose your language arts program based on your student's ability. Children’s abilities vary greatly in the younger years, so pick the program that matches your child's reading level. Our free language arts assessment can help you gauge this.

Language Arts K
Teach your children the alphabet and letter sounds. Serve as their scribe as they begin to practice creative writing. Imitate good writing during weekly copywork exercises.
Age Range: 5-6
Grade Range: K
Intermediate Programs
Your student has likely learned to read by Sonlight History / Bible / Literature D, so now you will begin to "read to learn" with Language Arts that matches your History / Bible / Literature level.

Language Arts D
Explore various writing styles while learning about mechanics such as similes, metaphors, and hyperbole. Imitate good writing during weekly dictation exercises.
Age Range: 9-12
Grade Range: 4-7

Language Arts F
Let creativity blossom through more challenging writing assignments in a variety of writing styles. Imitate good writing during weekly dictation exercises.
Age Range: 11-14
Grade Range: 6-9
High School Programs
In high school, mix-and-match our upper-level History programs with upper-level Language Arts programs to make the best program for your student.

American Historical Literature
Sonlight 130 Course
American Historical Literature is a roughly chronological journey through American History. From Alaska’s Yukon Gold Rush to the Jim Crow South, from Iroquois life in New York to a California girl moving to Mexico, students enjoy a wide variety of settings and genres.
Age Range: 13-15
Grade Range: 8-10

Classical Literature
Sonlight 230 Course
Stories set mostly chronologically through history, mostly by British authors, you’ll travel from first-century Israel to World War II and beyond. An especially rich range of genres, with intellectually challenging books—coupled with delightful books.
Age Range: 14-17
Grade Range: 9-11

American Literature
Sonlight 430 Course
Practice in-depth analysis of classics of American literature. This course includes a balanced mix of books you learn how to read for all they're worth.
Age Range: 17-18
Grade Range: 11-12

Homeschool Language Arts Materials
Looking for specific Language Arts materials? If your children need additional practice, prefer a workbook program, or would like to supplement our natural-language learning approach, we provide a number of optional language arts resources and supplements.

Sonlight's early language arts programs include a phonics foundation. You will also find basic phonics for spelling rules in our language arts Instructor's Guide. If you would like to supplement this instruction, browse our homeschool phonics resources here.

Activity Sheets
Language Arts Activity Sheets reinforce your teaching and provide assignments that make your children eager to learn how to write well. A variety of activity options coordinate with your students' language arts studies and draw on a range of skills and interests. Weekly notes provide answers to grammar questions and suggested responses for creative writing assignments. Each student should have their own set of Activity Sheets.
Homeschool Language Arts Supplements
For those looking to supplement Sonlight's natural-language learning approach, we provide a number of optional Language Arts supplements here.



Reference Tools

Writing Tools

Additional Information
Develop excellent writers with Sonlight's proven language arts method. Learn more below!