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Homeschool Placement Tests
Which placement tests should you take?
If you’re just getting started with homeschooling, considering changing up your homeschool curriculum, or simply trying to determine a grade or placement level, our free homeschool placement tests are for you!
Sonlight Programs
No assessment is perfect, but the results combined with what you know about your child can help you choose the best level of study for him or her. These two tests are designed to help you determine what Sonlight Readers and Language Arts program to purchase.
Reading Assessment Language ArtsMath Programs
The Math-U-See, Singapore, Saxon, RightStart and Horizons Math placement tests are FREE and we highly recommend that your child take at least one math placement test before you choose your math materials.
Math-U-See Assessment Singapore Math Saxon Math Assessment Horizons Math RightStart MathSonlight Reading Assessment
A quick and easy-to-use reading assessment that helps you determine your child's ability to both read and understand their reading at the early levels.
Sonlight Language Arts Assessment
These printable Language Arts assessment help you determine which Sonlight early LA program will be best for your child to use this year.
Math-U-See Readiness Assessments
Recommended for every student to ensure you get the right level for a successful year.
Singapore Math® Placement Guides & Tests
Access Singapore placement tests for both Primary Math and New Elementary Math. Answer keys for the placement tests are also posted here.
Saxon Math Placement Guides & Tests
Take Saxon Math placement tests for primary and middle grades, plus Algebra 1 and 2.
Horizons Math Readiness Evaluations
Print out these free Readiness Evaluations for your child to make sure he or she is ready for the Horizons Math Kit you choose. (Level 1-6)