Sonlight Homeschool

Curriculum Scope & Sequence

See where your Sonlight studies will take you!

Every History / Bible / Literature package fits a span of ages to let you teach multiple children together.

From preschool to high school, your Sonlight journey includes three sweeps through history and a solid foundation in all other subjects. Take a look at the road ahead!

Click here to of what you'll be learning year by year from preschool through high school in Sonlight's History / Bible / Literature, Language Arts and Science programs. Click on the individual levels below to download a detailed Scope and Sequence for individual levels.

Skip to History / Bible / Literature Programs | Language Arts | Science | Math


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History / Bible / Literature Programs

Foundation for Learning




Fiction, Fairy Tales, and Fun

Informal preschool program with books and games to naturally encourage development and character.


Student & Parent: 15-45 mins**




Pre-K, K

Exploring God's World

History focus: Discover fascinating differences (and similarities) between people around the world.

Spiritual focus: Bible stories

Student & Parent: 20-90 mins**





Intro to the World: Cultures

History focus: Discover fascinating differences (and similarities) between people around the world.

Spiritual focus: Bible stories

Student: 1.5-2 hrs
Parent: 1-1.5 hrs**

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Exploring American History

History focus: Explore key events in United States history, from Leif Erikson in 1000 AD through the 21st century.

Spiritual focus: Bible stories

Student: 1.5-2 hrs
Parent: 1-1.5 hrs**

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1st Sweep Through History




Intro to World History
Year 1 of 2

History focus: A history of early peoples and civilizations through the fall of Rome. Geography assignments focus on the Middle East and Asia.

Spiritual focus: Basic biblical doctrine

Student: 2-3 hrs
Parent: 1.5-2 hrs**

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Intro to World History
One Year Condensed

History focus: A condensed one-year historical and geographical survey of early peoples and civilizations through the 20th Century.

Spiritual focus: Amazing Bible facts

Student: 2-3 hrs
Parent: 1.5-2 hrs**

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Intro to World History
Year 2 of 2

History focus: Continues from the fall of Rome and takes you through the 20th Century. Geography assignments span the globe.

Spiritual focus: Amazing Bible facts

Student: 2-3 hrs
Parent: 1.5-2 hrs**

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Intro to American History
Year 1 of 2

History focus: American history from before the Spanish conquistadors through the mid-19th Century. Geography assignments cover the early exploration of the Americas.

Spiritual focus: Reading the Bible for oneself (instead of just listening)

Student: 3.5-4.5 hrs
Parent: 2-3 hrs**

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Intro to American History
One Year Condensed

History focus: A condensed one-year historical survey of America from its discovery through the 20th Century. The geography assignments focus on the Americas.

Spiritual focus: Intro to personal Bible study

Student: 3.5-5 hrs
Parent: 2-3 hrs**

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Intro to American History
Year 2 of 2

History focus: American history from the mid-19th through 20th Centuries. Geography assignments cover the Americas.

Spiritual focus: Intro to personal Bible study

Student: 3.5-5 hrs
Parent: 2-3 hrs**

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Transitional year: learning to research




Eastern Hemisphere

History focus: A fascinating cultural study of the Eastern Hemisphere, including Asia, Oceania, the Middle East and Africa.

Spiritual focus: Basic apologetics

Student: 4-6 hrs
Parent: 2-3.5 hrs**

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2nd Sweep through History




World History
Year 1 of 2

History focus: A study of World History from ancient Egypt through the Reformation. Geography assignments cover the entire world.

Spiritual focus: Overview of each book of the Bible. Discovering God's heart for the nations.

Student: 4-6 hrs
Parent: 2-3.5 hrs**

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World History
Year 2 of 2

History focus: World History continues from the 17th Century through the fall of the USSR. Geography assignments span the globe.

Spiritual focus: Learning different methods of studying the Bible in-depth.

Student: 4-6 hrs
Parent: 2-3.5 hrs**

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One Year World History

History focus: A one-year survey of World History. Geography assignments cover the entire world.

Spiritual focus: Learning different methods of studying the Bible in-depth.

Student: 4-6 hrs
Parent: 2-3.5 hrs**

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History of Science

History focus: Scientific inquiry over the last 4,000 years.

Spiritual focus: Learning different methods of studying the Bible in-depth.

Student: 4-6 hrs
Parent: 2-3.5 hrs**

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American History

History focus: An in-depth study of the history of the United States from pre-Columbian America through the early 21st Century. Geography assignments focus on the United States.

Spiritual focus: How to study, interpret and apply the Scriptures to life; apologetics

Student: 5-7 hrs
Parent: 2-3.5 hrs**

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3rd Sweep through History




History of the Christian Church

History focus: An in-depth study of the spread of the Gospel worldwide from the time of Christ to the present. Geography assignments span the entire world.

Spiritual focus: Church history and doctrine

Student: 5-7 hrs
Parent: 1-2.5 hrs**

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20th Century World History

History focus: A history of major events throughout the world during the 20th Century. The literature program focuses on works that helped establish the Western culture's view of reality. Geography assignments span the entire world.

Spiritual focus: Apologetics

Student: 6-8 hrs
Parent: 1-2.5 hrs**

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American Government

History focus: A thorough study of the U.S. government with emphasis on the Constitution and its historical interpretation, plus a close look at the three branches of government. Geography assignments focus on the United States.

Spiritual focus: Interaction of faith and politics

Student: 6-8 hrs
Parent: 2-3 hrs**

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History focus: Modern economics, from basic theory to politics and trade.


Student: 6-8 hrs
Parent: 2-3 hrs**




World History and Worldview Studies

History focus: A college-prep study of World History through the lens of the ideas and philosophies that shaped history. The Bible portion helps students discern and solidify their Christian worldview.

Spiritual focus: Developing a Christian worldview

Student: 6-8 hrs
Parent: 2-3 hrs**

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* Each program is for one year. This is the Age/Grade span appropriate for this program; choose or combine students.

** Time commitment per day to complete all subjects. You can expect your homeschool day will be about this long.


Sonlight Language Arts

Built into your program


Includes a gentle introduction to the alphabet, rhymes and the "first thousand words."

Subjects: Phonics and vocabulary.

Mix and Match Grade K through 4 Readers and Language Arts for levels K-C.

Language Arts K

Teach your children the alphabet and letter sounds. Serve as their scribe as they begin to practice creative writing. Imitate good writing during weekly copywork exercises.

Phonics, spelling, vocabulary, creative expression, copywork and writing mechanics.

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Language Arts 1

Read more advanced short words. Serve as your children's scribe as they write their first short stories. Imitate good writing during weekly copywork exercises.

Phonics, spelling, vocabulary, copywork, creative expression and writing mechanics.

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Language Arts 2

Help your children learn to form and organize their thoughts. You might still serve as their scribe as they construct basic sentences and simple paragraphs. Imitate good writing during weekly copywork exercises.

Spelling, writing mechanics, copywork and creative expression.

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Language Arts 3

Use the unique "Diamond Notes" to guide your children step-by-step through the process of writing winning paragraphs. Imitate good writing during weekly copywork exercises.

Spelling, writing mechanics, paragraph construction, copywork and creative expression.

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Language Arts 4

Write sentences and short paragraphs relatively independently. Imitate good writing during weekly copywork exercises.

Spelling, writing mechanics, copywork, paragraph construction and creative expression.

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Match LA to your History / Bible / Lit.

Language Arts D

Explore various writing styles while learning about mechanics such as similes, metaphors and hyperbole. Imitate good writing during weekly dictation exercises.

Vocabulary, dictation, writing mechanics and creative expression.

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Language Arts D+E

Explore various writing styles and practice advanced writing techniques such as varying sentence length, using active voice, and creating authentic dialog. Recognize and imitate good writing during weekly dictation exercises.

Grammar, dictation, vocabulary, writing mechanics and creative expression.

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Language Arts E

Explore various writing styles and take on advanced writing mechanics and techniques. Recognize and imitate good writing during weekly dictation exercises.

Grammar, dictation, writing mechanics, research writing and creative expression.

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Language Arts F

Let creativity blossom through more challenging writing assignments in a variety of writing styles. Imitate good writing during weekly dictation exercises.

Grammar, dictation, vocabulary, writing mechanics, research writing, creative expression and literary analysis.

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Language Arts G

Tackle advanced writing assignments and explore basic literary analysis. Imitate good writing with weekly dictation.

Vocabulary, dictation, advanced writing mechanics, creative expression, literary analysis and editing.

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Language Arts H

Increase mastery of the written word through exercises fully integrated with H History & Literature studies.

Creative writing, essay composition, research and literary analysis.

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Language Arts W

Tackle advanced writing assignments and explore basic literary analysis. Imitate good writing with weekly dictation. (Same basic material as Language Arts G.)

Vocabulary, advanced writing mechanics, creative expression, literary analysis and editing.

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Language Arts J

Bridge skills between Middle School and High School. Integrated with Literature J.

Creative writing, book analysis, and SAT practice assignments.

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You can Mix and Match History/Bible with Literature/Language Arts in high school.

Language Arts 130

Develop critical thinking, literary analysis and creative expression skills with exercises fully integrated with History & Literature 100 studies.

Critical thinking, essay composition, literary analysis and creative writing.

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Language Arts 230

Unleash writing potential with exercises fully integrated with History & Literature 200 studies.

Essay composition, literary analysis, research papers and creative writing.

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Language Arts 330

Solidify great writing skills through exercises fully integrated with History and Literature 300 studies. Spur students to write with passion and purpose.

Creative writing, literary analysis, research writing and essay composition.

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Language Arts 430

Prepare students for college-level writing through assignments that coordinate with the History and Literature 400 studies.

Creative writing, literary analysis, essay composition and research papers.

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Language Arts 530

Prepare for college-level writing; fully integrated with Literature.

Creative writing, literary analysis, essay composition and research papers.

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British Literature

Prepare for the AP* English Literature exam with a yearlong survey of British Literature.

Key works of British Literature.

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* Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.

Sonlight Science

Sonlight Science


Ages* 5-6

Ecosystems, Meteorology, Physics and Engineering Design

Animals and plants, weather and climate, forces and motion with STEM hands-on activities and experiments.

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Ages* 6-8

Light and Sound Waves, Biological Features, Space Systems, and Engineering Design

The natural Earth, human body, outer space, and animals. The scientific process with STEM hands-on experiments.

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Ages* 7-9

Matter, Ecosystems, Earth Systems, and Engineering Design

States of matter and elements, animals, plants, and the Earth. The scientific process with STEM hands-on experiments.

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Ages* 8-10

Forces and Interactions, Life Systems and Cycles, Weather & Climate, and Engineering Desig

Electricity, weather patterns, robots, and ecosystems. The scientific process with STEM hands-on experiments.

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Ages* 9-12

Energy, Waves, Biological Systems, Earth Systems, and Engineering Design

Energy transfer, waves & communication, biological structures & geology. The scientific process with STEM hands-on experiments.

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Ages* 10-13

Physical Science, Energy in Ecosystems, Earth and Space, and Engineering Design

Chemistry, Ecology, Earth Systems and Astronomy. The scientific process with STEM hands-on experiments.

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Ages* 11-14

Life Science

Life Science: from molecules to organisms. The scientific process with STEM hands-on experiments.

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Ages* 12-14

Geology, Physics, and Origins

Earth science: geology, physics and the science of origins. Experiments and hands-on activities.

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Ages* 13-15

Conversation, Robotics, & Technology

Energy, conservation, robotics, canals, dams, and technology. Filled with projects, experiments, and activity sheets to engage your middle school student and inspire interest in these fascinating fields of study.

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Ages* 13-15

Physics, Electromagnetism, & Waves

Bring the astonishing History of Science concepts into your home with the Science J Lab. Developed to coincide with Sonlight’s History / Bible / Literature J program.

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Ages* 13-15

General Science

A course from Apologia Educational Ministries: learn to think scientifically. Includes experiments and a Student Notebook.


Ages* 13-15

Apologia Physical Science

A course from Apologia Educational Ministries: earth science and basic physics. Includes experiments and a Student Notebook.


Ages* 13-15

Berean Earth Science

The 100-level Discovering Design with Earth Science covers the general properties of the earth’s geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.


Ages* 14-17

Apologia Biology

A high-school level lab science course from Apologia Educational Ministries. Includes experiments and a unique Sonlight schedule.


Ages* 14-17

Berean Biology

The 200-level Discovering Design with Biology is a laboratory-based high school biology course.


Ages* 16-18

Apologia Chemistry

A high-school level lab science course from Apologia Educational Ministries. Includes experiments and a unique Sonlight schedule.


Ages* 16-18

Berean Chemistry

The 300-level Discovering Design with Chemistry addresses the theoretical and mathematical basis of chemistry and follows a sequence of learning similar to the biology.


Ages* 17-18

Apologia Physics

A high-school level course from Apologia Educational Ministries. Includes experiments and a unique Sonlight schedule.


Ages* 17-18

Apologia Advanced Science

Choose from three advanced lab courses from Apologia Educational Ministries preparing students for the AP** Biology, Chemistry or Physics test. Each course includes experiments and a unique Sonlight schedule.

+Program adheres to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)

* Each program is for one year. This is the Age/Grade span appropriate for this program; choose or combine students.

** Advanced Placement, Advanced Placement Program and AP are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.




Counting, place value, numerals, addition & subtraction, time, shapes, length, fractions, counting by 2s, 5s, 10s, and 100s, and more


Place value, addition & subtraction, unknown addend, writing time, U.S. currency, estimation, inequalities, perimeter, plots and graphs, and more


Solving abstract and real-world problems, estimation, inequalities, perimeter, plots and graphs, and more


Multiplication, unknown factor, real-world problems, computing area, skip counting, interpreting data, measurement problems, and more


Division, long division, dividing fractions, Roman numerals, points, segments, rays, and lines, computing volume, and more


Equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, common factors, order of operations, converting decimals-fractions, area and circumference of circles, quadrilaterals, and more


Powers of ten, percentages, metric unit conversion, simplifying exponents, negative numbers, algebraic expressions, independent variables, planes and geometric symbols, ratios, and more


Negative numbers, order of operations, solving for the unknown, and other topics

Algebra 1 Legacy

Graphing, simultaneous equations, exponents, polynomials, unit multipliers, and more

Algebra 1 Principles of Secondary Mathematics

Algebra foundations, linear equations, functions, systems of equations, inequalities, polynomial expressions & equations, quadratics, exponentials, radicals, and more


Points, lines, planes, angles, circles, triangles, quadrilaterals, the Pythagorean theorem, conic sections, proofs, and more

Algebra 2

Factoring polynomials, the quadratic formula, graphing conic sections, and other advanced algebra topics


Trigonometry, identities, polar equations, logarithms, sequences, limits and other topics to prepare for calculus


Derivatives, integrals, calculus applications, differential equations, and more


Math K

Counting by 1s/5s/10s/2s/4s to 100, value of all single-digit numbers, place value for 1's and 10's, ordinal numbers, simple addition & subtraction, simple fractions, days of week, months of year, seasons, color recognition, shape recognition, pictographs

Math 1

Counting by 1s/2s/5s/10s/3s/6s/9s/4s/8s/7s to 100, ordinal numbers, place value, addition & subtraction facts 1-18, months of year, days of week, time, money, measurement, fractions, shapes, bar graphs, rounding

Math 2

Counting by 1s/2s/5s/10s/3s/6s/9s/4s/8s/7s to 100, ordinal numbers, place value, carrying and borrowing, months of year, days of week and abbreviations, money, measurement, temperature, fractions, shapes, area, perimeter and volume, graphs, multiplication facts 0-10

Math 3

Word numbers to 1,000,000, expanded and standard form, Roman numerals, ordinal numbers, place value, addition with carrying to 4 digits, borrowing, estimation, English linear, liquid, weight, Metric equivalents, decimals, fractions, shapes - congruent and similar, perimeter and area, volume of cubes and rectangular prisms, bar, line and circle graphs, multiplication facts 1-10, division facts 1-10

Math 4

Roman numerals, prime and composite, prime factorization, addition properties and terms, subtraction properties and terms, standard and metric linear, liquid and weight equivalents, fractions to decimals, ratios, reducing fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, shapes and solids, lines, angles, circles, coordinate graphs, multiplication properties and terms, division properties and terms

Math 5

Number theory through hundred billion, expanded form, place value to hundred billions, rounding, addition properties, terms and facts, subtraction properties, terms and facts, time and elapsed time, counting change, standard and metric linear, liquid, and weight equivalent, percentages, simple ratios, least common multiples, adding and subtraction fractions with unlike denominators, shapes, solids and diagonals, mean, mode, and median, problem solving, probability with one variable, calculator math, multiplication terms, facts and properties, division terms, facts, and properties

Math 6

Word numbers through hundred trillion, scientific notation, base 2 numbers, square roots, opposite integers, adding and subtracting integers, multiplying and dividing integers, adding and subtracting money, adding and subtracting equations, standard and metric linear, liquid, and weight equivalent, simple ratios, ratio as a percent, divide whole number by a fraction, construct perpendicular bisector, bisect an angle, equations for word problems, mean, mode, and median, graphing in all four quadrants, writing checks, budgeting, banking, savings, charts and tables, multiplication missing factors, exponents, division estimating quotients, averaging with remainders


Math K

Match & sort, numbers to 100, shapes & patterns, telling time, money, weight & capacity, addition & subtraction

Singapore K Primary Math 2022 Edition

Matching & sorting, numbers 0-20, order, shapes, patterns, length & size, weight, capacity, and comparing sets. Introduction to the use of +, -, and =.

Math 1A

Counting 0-20, number stories, addition and subtraction stories, ordinal numbers, common shapes, comparing and measuring length and weight

Math 1B

Comparing numbers, picture graphs, counting to 100, addition and subtraction to 100, multiplication within 40, division, halves and quarters, telling time, money

Singapore 1 Primary Math 2022 Edition

Counting and comparing numbers, addition and subtraction, common shapes, measuring, multiplication, division, halves and quarters, coin values, and more

Math 2A

Counting to 1000, hundreds, tens and ones, addition and subtraction with and without renaming, measurement in metric and English, multiplication tables of 2 and 3, dividing by 2 and 3

Math 2B

Addition and subtraction - finding the missing number, methods for mental addition and subtraction, multiplying and dividing by 4, 5 and 10, US currency, halves and quarters, writing fractions, time, picture graphs, US and metric capacity, flat and curved faces, area

Singapore 2 Primary Math 2022 Edition

Multiplication, multi-digit addition and subtraction, money, decimal point representation, fractions, and comparisons using <, >, and =, and more.

Math 3A

Word numbers to 1,000,000, expanded and standard form, Roman numerals, ordinal numbers, place value, addition with carrying to 4 digits, borrowing, estimation, English linear, liquid, weight, Metric equivalents, decimals, fractions, shapes - congruent and similar, perimeter and area, volume of cubes and rectangular prisms, bar, line and circle graphs, multiplication facts 1-10, division facts 1-10

Math 3B

Mental calculation for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, US and metric linear, capacity, and weight measurements, bar graphs, equivalent fractions, time, angles, area, perimeter

Singapore 3 Primary Math 2022 Edition

Multiply 2-digit, bar models, multi-step problems, borrowing, estimation, mental calculation for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and more.

Math 4A

Numbers to 100,000, factors, multiplication and division of whole numbers, adding and subtracting fractions, tables and graphs, measuring angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, area and perimeter

Math 4B

Decimals, operations of decimals, multiplication and division, symmetric figures, solid figures, cubic units, volume of a cuboid

Singapore 4 Primary Math 2022 Edition

Measuring angles, adding and subtracting fractions, area and perimeter, decimals, volume of a cuboid, and more.

Math 5A

Place value, millions, approximation and estimation, multiplying by 10s, 100s or 1000s, dividing by 10s, 100s, or 1000s, word problems, fraction and division, addition and subtraction of unlike fractions, area of a triangle, ratio, finding unknown angles

Math 5B

Approximation and estimation of decimals, percent, writing fractions as percentage. Average, rate, line graphs, triangles, 4-sided figures, tessellations, cubes and cuboids, volume of a solid

Singapore 5 Primary Math 2022 Edition

Fraction and division, addition and subtraction of unlike fractions, ratio, finding unknown angles, and more.

Math 6A

Algebraic expressions, solid figures, ratio and fraction, ratio and proportion, part of a whole as percentage, solving percentage problems, speed and average speed

Math 6B

Division of fractions, word problems, circles, circumference, area, pie charts, solving volume problems, triangles and 4-sided figures, finding unknown angles, challenging word problems with fractions, ratio, percentage and speed

Singapore 6 Primary Math 2022 Edition

Algebraic expressions, solving percentage problems, circumference, area, pie charts, word problems, and more.


Math K

Count by 1's, 5's, and 10's to 100; compare and order numbers to 20; ordinals to fourth; simple fractions; money; shape recognition; compare length, weight, and size of shapes; days of the week, month, date, and year; time to the hour

Math 1

Count by 1's, 2's, 5's, and 10's; compare and order numbers; ordinal position to tenth; sorting rule; patterns; solve routine and nonroutine problems; basic addition facts and basic subtraction facts; add two-digit numbers; picture and name fractions; measure using inches, feet, and centimeters; compare volume, mass, and area; time to the half hour; count pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters; polygons; geometric solids; tally; real graphs, pictographs, and bar graphs

Math 2

Count by 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 10's, 25's, and 100's; compare and order numbers; identify ordinal position to tenth; identify sorting and patterning rules; solve routine and nonroutine problems; master all basic addition and subtraction facts; master multiplication facts to 5; add and subtract two-digit numbers; picture and name fractions; measure to the nearest centimeter, foot, and half inch; measure perimeter and area; tell time to 5 minutes; count pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters; identify geometric solids; identify lines of symmetry; identify angles; tally; Venn diagrams, and line graphs

Math 3

Place value; ordinal position to twentieth; all basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts; add and subtract multidigit numbers; multiply a multidigit number by a single-digit number; divide by single-digit divisors; add positive and negative numbers; add and subtract fractions with common denominators; compare and measure mass, perimeter and area; tell time to the minute; determine elapsed time; make change for a dollar; identify angles, lines of symmetry, function rules; graph ordered pairs on a coordinate graph

Math 5/4

Addition and subtraction properties and terms; mental math strategies; multiplication and division properties and terms; powers and beginning square roots; fractions to decimals and percents; estimation; measurement inU.S. customary, metric, and conversion; temperature; basic terms of geometry; basic algebraic patterns and sequences; beginning probability

Math 6/5

Whole-number concepts and computation; mental math; patterns and functions; measurement; statistics and probability; fractions; mixed numbers; decimals; geometry; percents; negative numbers (and concepts in Math 5/4)

Math 7/6

Simplify expressions containing parentheses; add, subtract, multiply, and divide signed numbers; exponents; square roots; geometric formulas; ratios; percents; fractions; mixed numbers; decimals (and topics in Math 6/5)

Math 8/7

Measurement; estimation; real-world connections; word-problems; rate; powers and roots; geometric proofs; scientific notation; graphing functions; quantitative comparisons; balancing equations; transformation of formulas; literal equations; algebraic terms; irrational numbers; factoring algebraic expressions; substitution; graphing linear equations and inequalities; geometric construction; scale factor and indirect measure; similar and congruent figures; data collection, display, and analysis; probability and statistics

Algebra 1/2

Fractions, decimals, mixed numbers, signed numbers and their arithmetic operations; translating from words to algebraic expressions; order of operations; percents; proportions; ratios; divisibility; rounding; place value; unit conversions; scientific notation; data representation; evaluation of algebraic expressions; simplification of algebraic expressions; linear equations with one unknown; word problems involving pre-algebraic concepts; perimeter; area; surface area; volume; classification of geometric figures and solids; geometric constructions; symmetry

Algebra 1

Arithmetic and evaluation of expressions involving signed numbers, exponents, and roots; properties of real numbers; absolute value; equations and inequalities involving absolute value; scientific notation; unit conversions; simultaneous equations; algebra of polynomials and rational expressions; word problems requiring algebra for the solution; graphical solution of simultaneous equations; graphs of functions: linear, quadratic, cubic, square root, absolute value, etc.; translations and reflections of graphs; factoring; Pythagorean theorem; algebraic proofs; functional notation and functions; quadratic equations; direct and inverse variation; exponential growth; perimeter and area of two-dimensional regions; surface area and volume of geometric solids; statistics; probability

Algebra 2

Graphical solution of simultaneous equations; scientific notation; radicals; roots of quadratic equations including complex roots; properties of real numbers; factoring; inequalities and systems of inequalities; logarithms and antilogarithms; conic sections; exponential equations; basic trigonometric functions; algebra of polynomials; vectors in polar and rectangular form; algebraic word problems

Advanced Math

Permutations and combinations; trigonometric identities; inverse trigonometric functions; conic sections; graphs of sinusoids; rectangular and polar representation of complex numbers; De Moivre's theorem; matrices and determinants; the binomial theorem; the rational roots theorem

RightStart Math

Level A

These beginning lessons will build a firm foundation with number sense through quantity recognition and visualization strategies using the AL Abacus. RS2 Level A helps the child understand quantities based around 5s and 10s. This level includes addition and subtraction to 10, place value to the hundreds, and some basic geometry and measurement. Money and clocks are introduced.

Level B

Build a strong foundation with number sense through quantity recognition and mental strategies by grouping in 5s and 10s using the AL Abacus. RS2 Level B includes addition and subtraction facts to 18, place value to the thousands, geometry, measurement, time, money, and basic fractions. 4-digit addition and 2-digit mental addition is also incorporated. Problem solving and place value are emphasized throughout.

Level C

Build on known addition and subtraction facts, works with 4-digit addition and subtraction and 2-digit mental calculations and introduces multiplication and fractions. Other topics include area and perimeter, measurement, money, time, and basic fractions. They also work with drawing tools to explore geometric designs. Problem solving is emphasized.

Level D

Build on the meaning and properties of multiplication and division, along with the basic facts. Other topics include multiplying a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number, rounding, numbers to millions, area and measurement in both the US customary and metric systems, fractions, and graphing. The children continue work with geometry and angles using drawing tools. Problem solving with all four operations is emphasized.

Level E

Multiplication of a multi-digit number by a 2-digit number, short division by a single digit, mixed and improper fraction addition and subtraction, factoring into primes, and introduces decimals and percentages. Multiple approaches to problem solving are also incorporated along with classifications of triangles and polygons, measurement in US customary and metric systems, area, angles, line plots, and solving simple algebraic equations.

Level F

Multiplication and division of fractions and decimals. Percentages, exponents, factoring are included, along with multiplication and division facts. Long division, coordinate systems, graphing, negative numbers, and exponents will be taught along with probability. Geometry and measurement, as well as multi-step problem solving and an introduction to dimensional analysis are included.

Level G

With a drawing board, T-square, triangles, compass, and goniometer, the student explores fractions, area, ratios, angles, Pythagorean theorem, and square roots. Circles, pi, arcs, along with reflections, rotations, and symmetry are taught all the while practicing arithmetic, fractions, and decimals. Some algebraic concepts are introduced.

Level H

Work with fractions and decimals while investigating volume, tessellations, fractals, ratios, angles, and other geometry concepts. Trigonometry is introduced along with platonic solids, 3-dimensional figures, surface area, patterning, and plane symmetry. Connections between various aspects and branches of mathematics are explored. Pre-algebraic concepts are included.