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Discover & Do
The ideal video supplement to your Sonlight Science program.
There is no better way to delight your kids with the wonders of science (and reinforce lessons!) than by experiencing it firsthand through hands-on activities. With Discover & Do, your children learn by actually doing the science!
Children will not just memorize the steps of the scientific process. Rather, your students will conduct simple, engaging, hands-on experiments in your home and actually use the scientific method to explore their world in a fun, enjoyable and interactive way.
There are three components to Discover & Do: Experiments, Videos and Supplies Kits. Learn more about each below.
Discover & Do is included in Sonlight elementary science programs (Levels K-F). Experiment videos are included in Sonlight Science levels K, A, B, C, D and E. Each experiment and video tie directly to that week’s reading material for an interconnected experience.

Discover & Do
Science Experiments

Science Experiments are designed to teach your students to think like scientists and use real scientific skills and practices. Each experiment provides a hands-on application of the subject matter.
Discover & Do
Science Videos

Science Videos reinforce the experiments—bringing science to life! The highly entertaining videos reenact all of the experiments your students perform and provide reinforcement of the concepts observed during the experiment.
Discover & Do: Science Experiments
EDiscover & Do: Science Experiments are designed to follow the classic Sonlight model of learning (reading, discussing, and doing) while also adhering to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). These research-based, up-to-date science standards are simply good instructional practice. Dozens of scientists, esteemed scientific institutions, and science-based businesses have put their support behind these standards.1 Experiments are designed to teach your students to think like scientists and use real scientific skills and practices. Each experiment ties directly to that week’s reading material for an interconnected experience. Students won’t just receive information, but will actively explore the world around them.
Discover & Do: Science Experiments are included in Sonlight Science Programs K-F. Additional levels coming soon!
Now you have even more assurance that Sonlight Science provides an outstanding science education — at home.
Discover & Do: Science Experiment Videos
As a busy parent, you may not have the time to demonstrate every experiment for your children. With Discover & Do: Science Experiment Videos, your students will be able to watch the experiments and learn to do it on their own.
Filled with fascinating activities and peppered with humor, these highly entertaining videos reenact all of the experiments your students perform and provide reinforcement of the concepts observed during the experiment. These videos provide tons of additional information, instructional content, and bring the experiments to life in a way that can’t be done at home—they truly enhance your science experience.
These science experiment videos are an ideal supplement to your child's education. Your purchase includes digital access to the videos so you can stream them directly from your sonlight.com account and watch them anywhere you have internet access!
Discover & Do: Science Experiment Videos are included in Sonlight Science levels K, A, B, C, D and E. Discover & Do Videos will be added to additional Sonlight science levels soon!
Note: you will receive digital access from your sonlight.com account once your order has been processed.
Check out the trailer for Discover & Do Science Experiment Videos below and click on each product to watch a sample from each level.
Shop Science Experiment Videos
Experiment Video Samples
Discover & Do: Kindergarten Science Experiment Videos
In Discover & Do: Kindergarten Science Experiment Videos, you'll observe 36 science experiments and activities that are part of the Science K curriculum. You'll make your very own rainforest, discover how an insect sees, build a boat that floats, learn how to make a simple machine, lift water uphill… and so much more! You'll even learn how to make your own kinetic sand and play dough!
Discover & Do: 1st Grade Science Experiment Videos
In Discover & Do, Level K, you'll observe nearly 100 science experiments that are part of the Science A curriculum. You'll learn what makes planes fly and why you can't taste things when you have a cold. You'll grow plants from beans, make a weather vane, build a sailboat and much more.
Discover & Do: 2nd Grade Science Experiment Videos
In Discover & Do, Level 1, you'll observe more than 90 science experiments and activities that are part of the Science B curriculum. You'll make a clock out of your shadow, build an electromagnet, and learn how to make your own rainbow. You'll even make a magnet float in mid-air!
Discover & Do: 3rd Grade Science Experiment Videos
In Discover & Do, Level 2, you'll observe more than 75 different experiments that are part of the Science C curriculum. You'll learn how to make a flashing lighthouse, why electricity and water don't mix, why you get dizzy, and how to take your own fingerprints. You'll make your own thermometer, complete a circuit, create a model lung, and much more.
Discover & Do Level 3
Observe and learn how to do 60 science experiments in the Science D curriculum. Learn how plants make food, how to measure the mass of an object, and how to build your own seed tray and pole planter. Create a scientific journal, make and test predictions, and grow radishes, beans and corn. All this and much more.
Discover & Do: 4th Grade Science Experiment Videos
Discover & Do Level 4
In Discover & Do Level 4 you'll observe more than 90 different science experiments that are part of the Science E curriculum. You'll learn why light bulbs light, look at all the colors in a prism, and even make your own electric motor. You'll build a fuse, make your own helicopter, and use a microscope to look at bugs, plants, rocks, and even human body cells.
Discover & Do: 5th Grade Science Experiment Videos
Discover & Do: Science Supplies Kits
Most of the experiments in Sonlight’s Science Programs can be done with common household items, but to minimize prep time, we’ve created a supply kit that includes many of the supplies, templates and worksheets you need to conduct each experiment. The supply kits include those things you probably don’t have lying around the house—everything from marbles and magnets to seeds, straws, powerful magnets and more. Minimal prep time!
Discover all available Discover & Do: Science Supplies Kits.
Discover & Do: Science Supplies Kits are included in all Sonlight science programs, except level J.
Other Discover & Do Products
Kids can’t get enough science? Get a taste of Sonlight's complete Science programs with these accessible and fun Discover & Do Science Experiment Kits. These hands-on science experiment kits allow your children to experience the joy and discovery of science without the pressure of the school-year schedule.
1https://www.nextgenscience.org/voices-of-support NGSS is a registered trademark of Achieve. Neither Achieve nor the lead states and partners that developed the Next Generation Standards were involved in the production of this product, and do not endorse it.