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DIVE into Math
CD-ROMs for Use with Saxon Math
Dr. David Shormann's DIVE CD is your video tutor for Saxon Math!
Whether you're confident all the way up to Trigonometry, or whether you wish someone were there to help you teach your student, you've got a friend.
Dr. David Shormann's DIVE Into Math (DIVE stands for Digital Interactive Video Education) programs walk your child through each of the Saxon Math books, from Math 5/4 to AP Calculus. As if s/he were attending a live classroom lecture, your student will hear Shormann's voice and watch him make graphic presentations of the problems on a digitized whiteboard screen that fills up the computer screen. Dr. Shormann's smooth, steady voice and on-screen illustrations, combined with students' writing the problems out themselves--you've got the aural, visual and kinesthetic paths to learning! All of these elements combined make for an outstanding learning environment.
As an experienced math and science teacher to homeschoolers (he teaches once-a-week classes to three different groups of homeschoolers), Dr. Shormann seems to have a good grasp on what students need to hear in order to understand the concepts. Though he usually uses the same methods that Saxon does to solve problems, sometimes he teaches alternative approaches, and he often offers tips to make things easier.
Shormann works out the examples, practice problems, and even a few specific problems from some days' problem sets. He proceeds step by step with good explanations.
On the Math 5/4 to 8/7 programs, Shormann provides his own practice problems so that, if students need extra practice, they can do the practice problems in the book as well.
What a deal! Less than $100 per year for a personal math tutor!
D.I.V.E. is not affiliated with Saxon publishers.
Note: DIVE will work on both Windows and Mac computers.
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