Find your curriculum style

Get a head start on homeschool happiness with one simple secret: you do NOT have to replicate a "normal" classroom in your home.

In fact, your children might learn best if you don't! Homeschooling is all about freedom. And that includes freedom to choose the style of schooling that fits your family best.

You have a multitude of homeschooling curriculum options out there—from textbooks that look just like the ones you used in school, to ultra-relaxed "unschooling." Some basic approaches to curriculum include:

  • Traditional/Textbook
  • Unit Studies
  • Literature-Based/Living Books
  • Classical Education
  • Unschooling/Relaxed Homeschooling

So ... what do these mean? Which might fit you well?

Click here for a free e-book: 7 Secrets to Finding the Best Homeschooling Curriculum.

Chapter four (a.k.a. "Secret 4") gives you a broad overview and detailed discussion of different homeschool curriculum styles. Click here to start reading.

May God bless you and your family in your homeschool adventure!


Curious about Sonlight Curriculum and Literature-based Homeschooling Curriculum? Request a free Sonlight Catalog or click here for an introduction to Sonlight's homeschooling curriculum and philosophy.