6th Grade Curriculum

History is a story — the story of real people, real families, real adventures, real triumphs and defeats, and real cultures. There's no reason a good story — especially a story well told — should ever be boring! Sonlight’s sixth grade curriculum is all about fostering students' ability to think critically and make connections. This year, you have two options for History: American History or the Eastern Hemisphere.

There is no wrong choice for you and your sixth grader, it is an opportunity to connect and learn from very different perspectives. It has all the makings of a great year.

Sonlight 6th Grade Homeschool CurriculumSonlight 6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

Choose your 6th Grade Curriculum Package

Sonlight offers multiple curriculum packages, each completely customizable to meet your family's needs. Start by choosing one of the three options below, and customize online as desired. Need help choosing? Chat with an advisor.

Sonlight History / Bible / Literature Program - Homeschool Curriculum for Preschool through High SchoolSonlight History / Bible / Literature Program - Homeschool Curriculum for Preschool through High School

History / Bible / Literature Program (HBL)

Choose 4- or 5-Day

Each HBL program includes a year's worth of history, geography, Bible, and all required books, all connected with an award-winning Instructor's Guide. Start with an HBL program and add additional subjects

The foundation of a Sonlight education.

  • Instructor's Guide
  • History/Geography
  • Bible
  • Read-Alouds
  • Readers
  • Required Resources
  • Add Language Arts
  • Add Spelling (1-6)
  • Add Handwriting (K-3)
  • Add Science
  • Add Math
  • Add Hands-On
  • Add Electives
  • Add Additional Items

15% OFF* Entire Package!

SonlightCares™ $249 FREE
Lower 48 states

Homeschool All-Subjects Packages - Homeschool Curriculum from SonlightHomeschool All-Subjects Packages - Homeschool Curriculum from Sonlight

All-Subjects Package (ASP)

Choose 4- or 5-Day

Your complete homeschool year! This easy-to-order package contains everything you need to teach all subjects for one student for one year. Customize this homeschool curriculum package online.

Everything in one package. Total peace of mind.

  • Instructor's Guide
  • History/Geography
  • Bible
  • Read-Alouds
  • Readers
  • Language Arts
  • Spelling (1-6)
  • Handwriting (K-3)
  • Science
  • Math
  • Required Resources
  • Add Hands-On
  • Add Electives
  • Add Additional Items

20% OFF* Entire Package!

SonlightCares™ $249 FREE
Lower 48 states

SmoothCourse Homeschool Curriculum Builder from SonlightSmoothCourse Homeschool Curriculum Builder from Sonlight

Build Your Own Package

Choose 4- or 5-Day

Follow the steps in our SmoothCourse™ curriculum builder to create your own complete and personalized curriculum package. This guided tool will help you mix-and-match subjects to create the best curriculum for your learners.

Choose The Materials That Suit Your Needs.

  • Instructor's Guide
  • History/Geography
  • Bible
  • Read-Alouds
  • Readers
  • Add Language Arts
  • Add Spelling (1-6)
  • Add Handwriting (K-3)
  • Add Science
  • Add Math
  • Add Hands-On
  • Add Electives
  • Add Required Resources
  • Add Additional Items

Build a complete HBL or ASP Package and get:

SonlightCares™ $249 FREE
Lower 48 States

*Percent off Retail Price. Preschool and Pre-K are unavailable as All-Subjects Packages as they have unique subjects specific to those age spans. A Sonlight History / Bible / Literature program includes a year's worth of history, geography, Bible, Readers, Read-Alouds, and an Instructor's Guide. An All-Subjects Package includes a History / Bible / Literature program, plus language arts, spelling (K-6), handwriting (K-3), math, science, and a Sonlight binder. Click here for the complete Scope and Sequence.

6th Grade Curriculum Packages

Put together a customized program or select the recommended everything-you-need package. Compare your choices and pick the path you want. Either way, a wonderful adventure in learning awaits you and your family. Both History / Bible / Literature Programs and All-Subjects Packages include complete sixth grade lesson plans, schedules and notes in the included Instructor's Guide.

Start by selecting the program that covers the history focus you'd like to use this year. Because you'll teach with real books, each Sonlight program works with a range of ages and allows you to teach multiple children together. View the full curriculum scope & sequence for additional information. Need help choosing? Chat with a homeschool Advisor.

6th Grade History / Bible / Literature Programs

During your 6th grade year, you have the choice to study very different times and places in the world: American History, or our focused look at the Eastern Hemisphere.

If you choose American History, you'll be introduced to the "go-getters" that expanded our country, brought people together and created a country that was unlike anything seen before in the "old world" of Europe.

Or you can choose one of our most unique programs: a full-year exploration of Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the South Pacific in the Eastern Hemisphere program. Why would you choose this? Well, not only does a huge percentage of the world's population call the Eastern Hemisphere home, but ninety percent of all unevangelized people live there. As part of learning about other places, cultures, and ultimately God's heart of the whole world, we want you to be able to explore these rich and beautiful lands and peoples.

Sonlight's 6th grade homeschool curriculum will help your children develop and understand the world today by seeing how we got to where we are. It will help them understand their own and other's cultures by seeing the connections between history and today's world.

Start with the History / Bible / Literature program of your choice and add additional subjects. History / Bible / Literature programs can be used with multiple children. All History / Bible / Literature programs include a 15% discount off of retail.

History / Bible / Literature D - Intro to American History, Year 1 of 2 - 4th Grade Homeschool CurriculumHistory / Bible / Literature D - Intro to American History, Year 1 of 2 - 4th Grade Homeschool Curriculum


Intro to American History: Year 1 of 2

History / Bible / Literature D

Discover the foundations of the United States - and the civilizations that were already there.

Age Range: 9-12
Grade Range: 4-7

History / Bible / Literature D+E - Intro to American History, One Year Condensed - 5th Grade Homeschool CurriculumHistory / Bible / Literature D+E - Intro to American History, One Year Condensed - 5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum


Intro to American History: One Year Condensed

History / Bible / Literature D+E

Journey through all of American history with this condensed program.

Age Range: 10-13
Grade Range: 5-8

History / Bible / Literature E - Intro to American History, Year 2 of 2 - 5th Grade Homeschool CurriculumHistory / Bible / Literature E - Intro to American History, Year 2 of 2 - 5th Grade Homeschool Curriculum


Intro to American History: Year 2 of 2

History / Bible / Literature E

Experience America's history from the 1850s on.

Age Range: 10-13
Grade Range: 5-8

History / Bible / Literature F - Eastern Hemisphere - 6th Grade Homeschool CurriculumHistory / Bible / Literature F - Eastern Hemisphere - 6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum


Eastern Hemisphere

History / Bible / Literature F

Journey across the mysterious East and glimpse God's heart for the world.

Age Range: 11-14
Grade Range: 6-9

6th Grade All-Subjects Package

All-Subjects Packages offer the convenience of an all-in-one boxed curriculum but provide the flexibility of customization for your specific needs or multiple children. And you get all that for a 20% discount!

Sonlight's 6th Grade All-Subjects Package, Eastern Hemipshere - Homeschool CurriculumSonlight's 6th Grade All-Subjects Package, Eastern Hemipshere - Homeschool Curriculum


6th Grade Curriculum

All-Subjects Package F

UPDATED for 2024!
Journey across the mysterious East and glimpse God's heart for the world.

Title: Eastern Hemisphere
Age Range: 11-14

Additional 6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum Subjects

A Sonlight All-Subjects Package comes with everything that you need for a complete school year. However, if you choose to purchase a History / Bible / Literature program only, you may want to add additional subjects to complete your year.

Sonlight's 6th Grade Science: Science F | Life ScienceSonlight's 6th Grade Science: Science F | Life Science


From the smallest elements viewed through a microscope to the diverse systems in the world’s ecology, Science F nurtures children’s natural curiosity and provides daily opportunities to explore the world around them. They will use real scientific skills and practices as they explore cells, organ systems, genetics, and ecology. Science F includes a comprehensive introduction to technology and engineering and other STEM topics that will prepare students for a lifetime of scientific curiosity, learning and application.

Choose the matching 6th Grade Science level (Science F) or browse other available Science programs and see what you could discover.

Math-U-See Zeta - 6th Grade Homeschool Math CurriculumMath-U-See Zeta - 6th Grade Homeschool Math Curriculum


Math-U-See's Zeta is included in our 6th Grade All-Subject package. Zeta will help your children's concepts of place value to the right of the decimal point while showing the connection between fractions and decimals. Your children will continue to learn more about place values, including decimals and how to add, subtract, multiply and divide multiple-digit decimals.

Additionally, your children will learn about exponents, negative numbers, using properties of operations to simplify algebraic expressions, graphing variables, plane geometry and geometric symbols and more.

Math-U-See is included in Sonlight's All-Subjects Packages, but you can customize as desired.

6th Grade Language Arts - Sonlight Language Arts F6th Grade Language Arts - Sonlight Language Arts F

Language Arts

This year in 6th grade, your children will learn grammar, still-essential mechanics, how to research and work on creative expression. Their writing skills will grow as they explore different styles, learn literary analysis and take on increasingly challenging assignments.

All of your sixth grade Language Arts assignments are laid out in our Language Arts Instructor's Guide. Each lesson is scripted and includes rubrics (a simple scale so you can easily see where your child is falling on each assignment) in an easy-to-use format. Mechanics are explained in simple terms, and you can see real examples of the type of writing your children should be doing.

If your children would benefit from another level, check out all of Sonlight's Language Arts options here.

Spelling You See - Sonlight Homeschool Spelling CurriculumSpelling You See - Sonlight Homeschool Spelling Curriculum

Spelling & Vocabulary

We include Spelling You See's Ancient Achievements spelling for your children's sixth grade year. The Instructor's Handbook contains an introduction to the philosophy behind Spelling You See and the five development stages of spelling. Using the Teacher's Guide, you will work through the 36 lessons. Your children will "chunk" the appropriate letter patterns indicated for that day's lesson while also discovering a Spotlight that introduces interesting facts about words. Also included are opportunities for copywork and writing from dictation throughout the week.

We do offer additional spelling resources as desired.

Electives EElectives E

Electives & Enrichment

Once you've picked out your essential homeschool subjects, add some additional enrichment that's both fun and educational. Sonlight offers a wide range of electives, enrichment products, and hands-on activities to round out your school year. Choose from art, music, foreign language, STEM, puzzles, games, computer programming, just great books and more.

Other Products


Teaching more than one student and needing extra activity sheets? We've got you covered. Shop all consumables here.

Required Resources for your 6th Grade Homeschool Curriculum

Required Resources are essential for first-time Sonlighters. These are necessary products for your school year and are included in Sonlight All-Subjects Packages, History / Bible / Literature Programs, and Science packages by default. Visit SmoothCourse™ to remove Required Resources from your 6th grade homeschool curriculum package.

Shop all Required Resources here.