Science 250

Science 250


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Prerequisites: none

High School Science begins with the 200-level Exploring Creation with Biology program. This program balances subject reading with an optional experimental biology component including microscopy and advanced dissection.

The key text, Apologia's Exploring Creation with Biology, incorporates an engaging, conversational tone capable of grabbing teenagers' attention and keeping their minds on track. The authors give a Christian viewpoint and lift up God's incredible design for the world. Colorful illustrations, photos, tables and charts reinforce learning items, and bring the awe and intricacy of creation to mind. The biology program includes solutions and tests, and we've also created a Sonlight-style schedule guide to complement the course.

The course study begins with a "macro" view of our living world. Your students learn about Kingdoms and Phyla and the steps needed to identify and classify many animals and plants. Students move on to the "micro" perspective with single-celled organisms and their reproduction, then on to genetics, and finish with ecosystems.

Budding biologists will use the Sonlight® Ultra Microscope to uncover the marvelous movement, shape and color of microorganisms invisible to the naked eye. They'll follow detailed instructions from Sonlight's Advanced Dissection Kit to delicately explore the internal organs and external structures of four different specimens from land and sea.

Please note: Many colleges look for at least one lab science on a student's transcript.

To gain hands-on experience with a microscope, as is often included in a lab course, you may wish to purchase the Microscopy Supplies Kit. To supplement the course material and hands-on experiments, you'll find outstanding multimedia elements that include audio pronunciations of key vocabulary terms, animated versions of illustrations, and video clips of a variety of microorganisms.


Take up to one year to use your curriculum. If you don’t love it, return it! Complete details here.

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Take up to one year to use your curriculum. If you don’t love it, return it! Complete details here.

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Available 7am-5pm MT Mon-Fri.
