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Overseas Cross-Cultural Worker Subsidy
Sonlight offers subsidies for overseas cross-cultural workers
In an effort to provide continuing support to overseas cross-cultural workers in the field, an anonymous donor has agreed to work with Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. to share some of the cost of our products and services. Qualified cross-cultural workers now have the opportunity to receive our curriculum at a great discount!
Financial Support for Overseas Cross-Cultural Workers:
To be able to provide support in a reasonable and consistent manner, cross-cultural workers should ask their agency to complete the following Application for Cross-Cultural Worker Subsidy in the following manner:
- The donor offers a 25% subsidy on all purchases for Full-Time "Self-Supporting, Cross-Cultural workers" affiliated with an approved agency. Our donor defines "Self-Supporting, Cross-Cultural workers" as those who personally raise all of their financial support and are not financially supported by an agency through means of agency employment.
- Agencies whose members will qualify for the subsidy must be a verified 501(c)(3) and meet our donor’s objectives for the subsidy.*
- Cross-cultural workers will be approved for this level of subsidy through the following process:
- Your agency must submit to Sonlight a completed Cross-Cultural Subsidy Application form (attached below) along with a list of the cross cultural workers they support. We will verify your agency's qualification* and make sure your name appears on their list of supported cross-cultural workers.
- Cross-cultural workers from an approved agency will be entered into our system and will receive the 25% subsidy after the order is placed.
- If your agency is already approved, please ensure your name is included on their form. If not, please have your agency contact us to include your name: 303-730-6292.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact a Sonlight customer service representative at 303-730-6292.
*Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. reserves the right to determine those qualified to receive the subsidy.