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11th Grade Curriculum
Sonlight's eleventh-grade curriculum offers a great way to spend one of your final years of schooling together with your student. Your student will finish eleventh grade with a deeper appreciation for the people and cultures of the modern world and they'll know the story behind modern conflicts and debates.

Choose your 11th Grade Curriculum
Sonlight offers multiple curriculum packages, each completely customizable to meet your family's needs. Start by choosing one of the three options below, and customize online as desired. Need help choosing your 11th grade curriculum? Chat with an advisor.
*Percent off Retail Price. Preschool and Pre-K are not available as All-Subjects Packages as they have unique subjects specific to those age spans. A Sonlight History / Bible / Literature program includes a year's worth of history, geography, Bible, Readers, Read-Alouds, and an Instructor's Guide. An All-Subjects Package includes a History / Bible / Literature program, plus language arts, spelling (K-6), handwriting (K-3), math, science, and a Sonlight binder. Click here for the complete Scope and Sequence.
11th Grade Homeschool Packages
Eleventh grade, your student is almost done. Have they taken the needed courses to graduate? Do they have ideas about where they are going next? College? Trade school? Missions? What does the next season hold?
Because there are as many future options as there are people, Sonlight has designed our High School level programs to be flexible. Each level works for a range of grade levels, to ensure your student covers all of the subjects they need for whatever they are pursuing. Examine your history options and choose a program that will fulfill requirements and excite your student's interest. Any program will provide an excellent year of study.
Choose a program for your high school student (and customize online) or select the recommended everything-you-need 11th grade curriculum package. Compare your choices and pick the path you want. Either way, a wonderful adventure in learning awaits you and your family. Both History / Bible / Literature Programs and All-Subjects Packages include complete eleventh grade lesson plans, schedule and notes in the included Instructor's Guides.
View the full curriculum scope & sequence for additional information. Need help choosing your 11th grade curriculum? Chat with a homeschool Advisor.
11th Grade History / Bible / Literature Programs
What course of study does your student still need? Here are available courses for your eleventh grade student:
History of the Christian Church / World History: While still a traditional Church History course, this comes with the added benefit of studying all of the history and interactions from around the world through this unique lens. Many states require World History to graduate; you can use this program to satisfy that requirement.
The 20th Century World History: Learn the key events, people, conflicts, inventions and changes of the last century. You'll have the opportunity to evaluate it for what it is, why it happened as it did and where we are headed now. Many states require World History to graduate, you can use this program to satisfy that requirement.
American Government and Economics: Combining two 18-week courses, American Government and Economics; the first offers a view of not only how our government works, but also why it works as it does; the second demystifies one of the least understood disciplines in all of academics.
World History & Worldview: Discover, in historical context, the ideas that have shaped history, along with the consequences of these ideas and philosophies. An overview of the rise and fall of civilizations that also offer unique insights about science, music, art, architecture, and pop culture.
Start with the History / Bible / Literature program of your choice and add additional subjects. History / Bible / Literature programs can be used with multiple children. All History / Bible / Literature programs include a 15% discount on retail.
11th Grade All-Subjects Package
All-Subjects Packages offer the convenience of an all-in-one boxed 11th grade curriculum but provide the flexibility of customization for your specific needs or multiple children. And you get all that for a 20% discount!
Mix & Match Your High School Courses
Prefer to build your own customized 11th grade curriculum? Sonlight meets the needs of homeschooling high school students with a thorough catalog of robust high school courses, ideal for students in grades 9-12. As in a traditional high school course catalog, you can choose between a variety of courses to create your students' schedule.
Mix-and-match from individual courses (five History / Bible courses and six Literature / Language Arts (English) courses to make the best program for your students. Add science, math, and electives for a complete course of study. Follow the steps below to choose individual courses according to your student's specific needs and preferences.
Check out all of Sonlight's mix & match high school courses here.
View the full 11th grade curriculum scope & sequence for additional information. Need help choosing? Chat with a homeschool Advisor.

Additional 11th Grade Subjects
A Sonlight All-Subjects Package comes with everything that you need for a complete school year. However, if you choose to mix-and-match your courses, you may want to add additional subjects to complete your year.

Lesson Plans
At the high school levels, we have designed the lesson plans, our Instructor's Guides, to move you into more of a supportive role. The notes in the Instructor's Guides (IGs) are written to the students, and each high school program includes both a Parent Guide and a Student Guide.
The Student Guide contains discussion and thought questions. Some questions cover basic comprehension, and some are closer to college-level analysis. The Parent Guide contains all the same information, along with answers.
So, while you still receive the book-by-book, and subject-by-subject schedule and notes, the tool matches your family's needs for the high school season.
Your student will be able to work independently for much of the time and you are able to choose when and how you would like to work with them.
IGs are included with your History / Bible and Literature / Language Arts or All-Subjects Packages. Use them for record-keeping, a daily schedule, notes, or any combination of the three. At the high school level, your Science program comes with a Sonlight Schedule Plus which provides a daily schedule and introduces your student to notetaking and recording their scientific findings.

Literature / Language Arts
For your 11th grade year, you will have Literature and Language Arts combined. As your students read the literature, they will spend some time on comprehension questions, as well as to continue looking in-depth at literary analysis and deeper thought questions: What effect did this have? Were these good actions?
Your student will continue to learn terms like analogy and conflict, think through ethical questions, and build their cultural literacy. Their writing assignments mostly come from their reading.
Check out all of Sonlight's Literature / Language Arts courses at the button below.
Add the Literature/Language Arts virtual course to your purchase. Our new online homeschooling platform allows students to select their courses, view their schedules, take assessments, review their grades, communicate with their parents, and more. Learn more.

Sonlight includes Math-U-See's PreCalculus in our 11th Grade All-Subjects Package.
PreCalculus covers topics such as trigonometry, identities, polar equations, logarithms, sequences, limits and other topics to prepare for calculus.
Your student will learn about subjects like understanding and working with trigonometric ratios, their reciprocals, and their inverses; how to work with trigonometric expressions and identities; what it means to understand and work with polar coordinates and radian measure; and graphing and analyzing trigonometric functions among other things.
They will learn how to understand functions, limits, domain, and range; work with arithmetic and geometric series and sequences; and how to understand and apply the laws of sines and cosines.
Math-U-See is included in Sonlight's All-Subjects Packages, but you can customize as desired.

Sonlight offers Berean Chemistry, with the addition of the Sonlight-exclusive Schedule Plus (which provides the familiarity of Sonlight's IG for your studies).
This Discovering Design with Chemistry course addresses the theoretical and mathematical basis of chemistry and follows a sequence of learning similar to the biology. Several fascinating experiments boost learning dramatically as they demonstrate universal formulas and concepts such as mass, density, volume, and more. Several projects include solving for unknown ratios, and Discovering Design with Chemistry explains ratios and their associated calculations.
If your students complete the experiments that go with the course, they will have a true, upper-level high school science experience, with lab.
Choose the matching 11th Grade Science level (Berean Chemistry or Apologia Chemistry) or browse other available Science programs and see what you could discover.

You can also choose from several optional workbooks, with assignments scheduled in the IG. Wordly Wise improves vocabulary and Analogies helps your student learn to reason. Analogies are part of college admission standardized testing, as well as helpful in overall communication.

Electives & Enrichment
Prepare your students for ongoing success with a variety of high school electives, college and career planning resources, courses to boost a high school transcript and even courses to help your student prepare for an Advanced Placement (AP) exam and potentially earn college credit.
Sonlight offers courses that let upper-level students think critically, perform well on college entrance exams, discover their interests, follow their dreams, engage with and make a difference in their world.
Looking for more homeschool electives? Check out all of Sonlight's homeschool electives.
Other Products
Teaching more than one student and need extra activity sheets? We've got you covered. Shop all consumables here.
Required Resources for 11th Grade Curriculum
Required Resources are essential for first-time Sonlighters. These are necessary products for your school year and are included in Sonlight All-Subjects Packages, History / Bible / Literature Programs, and Science packages by default. Visit SmoothCourse™ to remove Required Resources from your 11th grade curriculum package.
Shop all Required Resources for your 11th grade curriculum here.