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Saxon Math
Saxon Math
Students using Saxon Math earn consistently high scores on standardized tests. The program is extremely strong in areas of arithmetic computation and mathematical principles (distributive, commutative, etc.).
Saxon is easy to teach, and from 4th grade up requires little parental involvement. It includes lots of guidance on exactly what to say and do. The early elementary programs include—and require—many manipulative activities. Sonlight offers complete kits with the necessary items.
Saxon packages include everything you need to teach one child. To use the program with additional or successive students, purchase additional consumable tests and worksheets.
Beginning with Saxon 5/4 and on up, packages include Dr. David Shormann’s DIVE Into Math CD instruction. On-screen illustrations, tips, and alternative problem-solving approaches help your student maximize learning.
Saxon K Program
Counting, shape recognition, days, month, year and dates, time to the hour, ordinals, and more.Saxon 1 Program
Compare and order numbers, ordinal position to tenth place, patterns, basic addition and subtraction facts, add two-digit numbers, measuring, time, and more.Saxon 2 Program
Add and subtract two-digit numbers, multiplication facts to 5, picture and name fractions, identify geometric solids, identify angles, tally, Venn diagrams, and more.Saxon 3 Program
Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts, subtract multidigit numbers, divide by single-digit divisors, positive and negative numbers, and more.Saxon 5/4 Program
Multiplication and division terms, powers and beginning square roots, fractions to decimals and percents, basic algebraic patterns and sequences, and more.Saxon 6/5 Program
Mental math, patterns and functions, statistics and probability, fractions, decimals, percents, geometry, negative numbers, and more.Saxon 7/6 Program
Simple expressions containing parentheses, add, subtract, multiply, and divide signed numbers, exponents, square roots, geometric formulas, and more.Saxon 8/7 Program
Measurement, estimation, powers and roots, scientific notation, graphing functions, balancing equations, irrational numbers, geometric construction, and more.Saxon Algebra 1 Program
Saxon Math Algebra 1 covers topics typically treated in a first-year Algebra course.Saxon Algebra 2 Program
Algebra 2 not only treats topics that are traditionally covered in second-year Algebra, but also covers a considerable amount of Geometry.Saxon Advanced Math Program
Topics from Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, discrete mathematics, and mathematical analysis are interwoven to form a fully integrated text.100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE
Take up to one year to use your curriculum. If you don’t love it, return it! Complete details here.