Try Sonlight for FREE!

Take the Sonlight Invitation and see what's so special about a Sonlight education.

Try Sonlight
Try Sonlight FREE!Try Sonlight FREE!

Sign up below to get a free book and schedule to read with your children, and see if Sonlight is right for your family. (One book per family, for new Sonlighters only.)

With this free sample, you’ll experience what it's like to use Sonlight–the books, the schedule, and the notes.

You will receive your choice from the following titles:

When your book arrives, just follow the schedule. You'll read the assigned pages, then go through the notes and questions for each assignment.

As you read the book and complete the discussion questions, you'll talk about what makes an impression on you. Real education takes place in these discussions. This is where you get to share your heart with your children. And this connection is what's so special about a Sonlight education.

The wonderful books in every Sonlight program can be enjoyed by students from a wide range of ages! So while the books in this free trial may not match your student's age, they are still a pleasure to read.

Just one more benefit of Sonlight: Your whole family can join in!

Sonlight: Curriculum your kids are guaranteed to love Sonlight: The original literature-rich homeschool curriculum

Sign up for your FREE trial of Sonlight below!


After clicking submit, if you are a new Sonlight customer, we will contact you within a business week to process your free trial request.

What Do You Gain?

By completing the Sonlight Invitation:

  • You will experience, the joy of reading a book that becomes part of your life–a book you and your children will want to reread many times in the future.
  • You will understand how and why your children will be able to remember events effortlessly. No more rote learning.
  • You will see how through a story, events come to life, they have context and are not just isolated data points. This is the foundation for how Sonlight teaches history, through living stories.
  • You will discover how great books can prompt conversations, so you and your children will naturally want to talk about character, values, and the things that are most important to you.
  • You will find out how you can teach two, three, or even more children using a single History / Bible / Literature program. Books are not bound to a specific age, they can be enjoyed by many.
  • You will know why so many thousands of families have used Sonlight with pleasure not just for one year sometime in elementary school, but for preschool all the way through high school.
  • You will understand why Sonlight can offer its unparalleled, 1-year, 100% money-back guarantee.

Please. Go ahead. Try it and see how effective and what a joy, homeschooling with Sonlight can be.

Sign me up for the FREE Sonlight Invitation.