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Homeschool Math Curriculum
Unbelievably Understandable Math™
Of course math, like reading, is necessary for adult independence. And, of course, you'd prefer your children to enjoy their learning.
Not feeling confident of either your children's mathematical comprehension or of their joy in the process?
Enter MathTacular!®
Join Justin, with help from his friend Amber, as they explain math concepts in fun ways, and creative stories. The series starts with counting, and then progresses up through word problems, fractions, and algebra. Your purchase comes with both a DVD and digital access!
The DVDs feature short segments that allow children and teachers to easily skip to specific concepts for quick review or practice (though children also love to watch their MathTacular! videos straight through again and again). You can also watch them online!
The dozens of short segments in each DVD -- which you can also enjoy online -- use unexpected and creative props to explain math concepts. When learning about pairs, for example, in MathTacular!, Justin and Amber race to put on socks, leg warmers, shoes, gloves, and clip-on earrings.
These quirky, cheerful, creative shorts make math understandable, enjoyable, and fun.
Shop By Level
Browse all MathTacular! levels, from kindergarten through 6+.
Shop All MathTacular!
Browse all MathTacular! products, from kindergarten through sixth grade and beyond.
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Learn more about MathTacular!, the advantages and disadvantages of the program, watch a preview for each level, and what makes the program unique.
MathTacular! Levels

MathTacular 1
Nearly 100 real-world scenarios demonstrate how math surrounds us in our everyday experiences. Learn about everything from addition, subtraction, place value and estimating, to ordinal numbers, mass, area, fractions, money and more.
Age Range: 4-7
Grade Range: PreK-2

MathTacular 2
Your students will build on the concepts they learn in MathTacular 1 as Justin unleashes fun new ways to learn math. After a bit of review on basic addition and subtraction facts, children discover new tricks to help them memorize. From there, each concept builds on the others—turning basic understanding into a natural ability to remember and use what they learn.
Age Range: 7-9
Grade Range: 2-4
MathTacular! Bundles
Bundle MathTacular! products and save.

Complete MathTacular Bundle
Get the MathTacular Educational Kit, all four MathTacular DVDs, plus the MathTacular 4 Workbook and Answer Key at a great discounted price! Includes digital access.