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4th Grade Math: Curriculum, Worksheets, Lessons & More
Do you have questions about math for your 9- or 10-year old? At the fourth grade level, math includes a lot of review of past concepts but a fair share of new material, too. Find out what math curriculum is perfect for your fourth grader, get free fourth grade math worksheets, and get tips for teaching math at this level.
Fourth Grade Math Curriculum
Here are six trusted math programs for fourth grade. Each curriculum shown below has everything you need for an entire school year of 4th grade math instruction. You really can’t go wrong with any of them! But most families have preferences in terms of teaching style and methods, making them opt for one curriculum over the other.
When weighing your options, reference the Homeschool Math Comparison Chart you can find here. If you’re not sure that the fourth grade level of a particular program is a good fit (versus third grade or maybe fifth grade), make use of the placement assessments found here. You can also reach out to an Advisor for personalized help if the results of the placement test leave you confused.
See the full scope and sequence of these 4th grade math programs here.
Horizons 4 Math Program
In Horizons 4 Math Program, students multiply 2-digit numbers by other 2-digit numbers with carrying, divide with a 2-digit divisor and quotient, and add and subtract with unlike fractions. This program also contains graphing, equations, and pre-algebra concepts.
Singapore 4 Math Program
Singapore math strikes a balance between drill and creative problem solving. This program is known for its unique approach that takes students through a progression from concrete to pictorial and finally to working with math abstractly. In Singapore 4 Math, students cover factors, adding and subtracting fractions, tables and graphs, perpendicular and parallel lines, operations of decimals, symmetric figures, solid figures, cubic units, and volume of a cuboid.
Saxon 5/4 Program
New math concepts in Saxon Math 5/4 (for fourth graders) are developed through hands-on activities and rich mathematical conversations that actively engage students in the learning process. Concepts are developed, reviewed, and practiced over time.
Math-U-See Delta
Delta is Math-U-See’s level for fourth graders. This level focuses on division as the inverse operation of multiplication. The program continues having short video lessons to assist the parent and student in learning each concept. Integer blocks are an integral part of the program; your student physically builds each problem with manipulatives. Your 4th grader will be introduced to single digit division, long division with and without remainders, and solve multistep word problems requiring them to use all four mathematical operations. In addition to division, the program includes an introduction to Roman numerals and basic geometry concepts. See the full table of contents here.
Right Start Math Level E
RightStart Math Level E continues to build on the strong mathematical foundation that has been laid in previous levels. At fourth grade, your student continues mastering multiplication, including multi-digit multiplication. The hands-on elements and daily card games make learning new concepts fun. Other lessons include single-digit division, adding and subtracting improper fractions, and converting between decimals and percentages. Basic geometry is also incorporated.
Miquon Math Third/Fourth Grade
The Yellow and Purple Miquon Books are the final level of the Miquon program. In order to be successful with this level, it is important that your student has completed the Blue and Green Books. Using Cuisenaire Rods, students continue to investigate patterns and relationships as they learn more about geometric and mathematical concepts.
Fourth Grade Math Worksheets
Math-U-See Delta Worksheets
division by 6
Miquon Math Worksheets
- from the Purple Book: subtraction and sets.
- from the Yellow Book: addition, division, multiplication.
Saxon Math 5/4 Worksheets
Horizons 4 Math Worksheets
RightStart Math E Worksheets
- multiplying by two digits
- using decimal points for hundredths
- percentage
- measuring angles
- isometric drawing
Fourth Grade Math Lessons
By fourth grade, students generally have mastered their addition and subtraction facts and are well on their way to fluency with multiplication facts as well. Since division is the opposite, or inverse, of multiplication, memorizing multiplication facts will speed the understanding of division.
In fourth grade, as more mathematical concepts are introduced, students may begin to say they do not like math or are not good at math. It is important to help them see how math benefits them in daily life and that it’s normal to have to expend mental energy to understand math. Being challenged by math is not the same as not being good at math. Encourage your fourth grader to keep practicing. Let them see you persevere through a difficult skill, and model a growth mindset as you embrace the challenge.
The skills that are covered in fourth grade are crucial as students progress to higher math. Remember to take lessons at your student’s pace. There is no harm in slowing down in order for a concept to be mastered.
Fourth Grade Math Formulas/Charts
Fourth Grade Math Problems & Equations
Math for fourth graders includes problems and equations on the following topics:
- Review of basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts
- Single- and multi-digit division problems, with and without remainders
- Proper and improper fractions
- Mixed numbers
- Adding and subtracting fractions
- Basic geometric shapes, area, perimeter, and volume
Fourth Grade Math Numbers & Operations
As your fourth grader continues to acquire math understanding and skill, problems become more complex. Your student will need to draw on past skills as well as new information when solving problems.
Encourage them to take a minute to think about what is happening in the problem:
- Are there clues that indicate the answer will be larger than the given numbers?
- Or should they expect the answer to be smaller?
Once they have a general idea of the outcome, they can begin to form a strategy for solving the problem and finally perform the mathematical operations. Remind them to verify that their answer makes sense.
Manipulatives, pictures, and charts are still helpful for working with numbers and operations because students in fourth grade are still concrete in their thinking.
Fourth Grade Math Pre-algebra & Algebra
In fourth grade, students can think algebraically with more ease. Since they already know that adding and subtracting are inverse operations and now have been introduced to division being the inverse of multiplication, they can now solve simple equations such as 4 x ? = 24 and 24 ÷ ? = 4. Thinking in this manner builds a firm foundation for the higher level math they will encounter in middle school and beyond.
Fourth Grade Math Games
Games are a perfect tool for making math practice fun. A quick game of war using common playing cards can make practicing math facts engaging. Here’s how to play: Divide the deck among the two (or three ) players. Simultaneously each player flips a card. The person whose turn it is uses the two numbers for whatever math skill you’re working on—add, subtract, or multiply. Games like this keep facts fresh in their minds and inject enjoyment into fourth grade math lessons.
Fourth Grade Math Standards
Most states have adopted Common Core standards for math. You can see those for grade 4 here. If having a math curriculum that follows Common Core standards is something you want, narrow your choices to either Math-U-See or Saxon. Both of these programs align with the standards, but may introduce some concepts in an alternate order from the accepted standard.
While standards are one smart way to evaluate your student, remember that there are other methods as well.
- Has your student increased their knowledge base?
- Are facts coming easier for them than they did last year or last month?
- Do they have a better attitude about math?
Standards are somewhat arbitrary, and as long as your child is making steady progress, you can rest easy, knowing that you can easily catch up if your child is not on grade level.
Fourth Grade Math State Tests
Standardized tests help school administrators and teachers track the progress of large groups of students as well as individual students. For parents, test results can identify gaps in learning and/or reassure you that your child is on track.
States vary in their standardized testing requirements. Look here to see what’s required for fourth grade math testing in public schools, state by state. For homeschoolers, there may or may not be a regulation for mandatory testing. Check the homeschool laws by state here or visit your state department of education website for specifics.
Fourth Grade Math Vocabulary
To be successful in fourth grade math, students need to be familiar with this mathematical vocabulary:
- Diameter
- Radius
- Area
- Perimeter
- Volume
- Circumference
- Parallel
- Perpendicular
- Mean, range, and mode
- Area model
- Bar graph, dot plot, and histogram
- Composite numbers
- Prime numbers
Fourth Grade Math Materials, Supplements, and Manipulatives
Not looking for a complete math program? Maybe you want to strengthen basic skills. Or possibly you want to provide something fun to dampen a new aversion to math and provide more confidence. Or maybe you have a math whiz who wants to go deeper with math just for fun! Either way, here are supplemental math worksheets, games, workbooks, and other extras for your fourth grader.
Knock out and Muggins is a two-sided game board that will challenge everyone in your family. Plus it’s so fun they won’t even notice they are practicing math facts!
If your fourth grader needs extra review to master addition or subtraction facts, the Accelerated Individualized Mastery (AIM) program from Math-U-See is a perfect resource. Even if you use another math curriculum besides Math-U-See, AIM contains everything you need to help your child master single-digit addition and subtraction.
Using humor and real life scenarios, the Mathtacular DVD series is a great supplement to your 4th grade math curriculum. Each DVD has more than three hours of content. Use the menu to search for a particular topic your student needs more practice with, or just watch it through for an overall review. Mathtacular 3 covers fractions, multiplication, division, money, and more. Justin and his friends help your student crack the code of word problems in Mathtacular 4.
Are word problems hard for your fourth grader? Singapore Challenging Word Problems is a workbook series that guides your student through the thinking strategies needed to solve story problems. With these supplements, it’s not uncommon for students to work on a level one or even two levels below their grade, so do not be afraid to drop back to Level 3 or even Level 2 as needed for your fourth grader.
Life of Fred Literature-based Math
Looking to show your student that math isn’t merely a boring subject in school? If yes, add Life of Fred books to your homeschool line-up. In these hardbound math supplements, Fred solves math problems everywhere he goes. Even fourth grade students are encouraged to begin with the first book, Apples, and work through the program in order. Take as much time in each book as you need, and move to the next one when you are ready. In addition to math, Fred teaches your student about other interesting topics including science, history, language, and more. Fred is just goofy enough to convince even the most math resistant student that math can be mastered and it can be fun!