Explode the Code:

Homeschool Phonics Curriculum

The easy to use Explode the Code workbooks provide a solid foundation for phonetics through instruction and practice. Each book is going to help your student grow in:

  • phonological awareness - the structure and sounds within words (such a syllables)
  • decoding - translating letters into sounds
  • vocabulary - understanding what words mean
  • comprehension - understanding what groups of words mean
  • fluency - moving from focusing on decoding specific sounds to recognizing words
  • spelling - applying knowledge of how words sound to how they are spelled

Explode the Code exceeds national standards and helps your student build essential literacy skills. These optional Language Arts workbooks help your children find success in reading.

Explode the Code Packages

Explode the Code is scheduled as optional in Sonlight Language Arts K, 1, and 2.

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