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Homeschool Foreign Language Curriculum

Homeschool Foreign Language Programs
Additional Information
When should my child start learning a foreign language?
Because foreign language is often presented only as an elective at the high school level, many people assume that young children are not ready to learn a foreign language.
But that assumption is simply not true. Young children learn new languages far faster and easier than the majority of adolescents and adults do.
At Sonlight, we strongly recommend that students learn a foreign language beginning by sixth grade at the latest, and preferably sooner than that.
Why is it important for my child to learn a foreign language?
Many colleges have a foreign language admissions requirement: prospective students must have successfully completed at least two years' foreign language study at the high school level.
Even if your child has no interest in college-level education, learning a foreign language is good intellectual exercise. They will certainly walk away from a study of foreign language knowing English better than they did before!