A Gentle Introduction to School

It probably seems like yesterday that you enjoyed the chocolate chip cookie making, "Wheels on the Bus" singing, "Ring around the Rosy" playing, wide-eyed delight of Preschool.

Now your children are a little older. To your list of fun things, now you can add the early academics of elementary school with Sonlight.

Sonlight is a delight.

Imagine spending your year like this:

  • Do Science experiments that will make your children's mouths drop open
  • Start your children reading for themselves
  • Explore how shopping was different a century or two ago
  • Escape from a scheming baker with the resourceful Boxcar Children
  • Move in with a family that adopts the world's largest rodent in Capyboppy
  • Introduce your children, for the first time, to the wider world
  • Read through a children's Bible that will teach you, too

These are things you do in Sonlight A, commonly used by parents with K or First Grade students. But every Sonlight program is just as thorough and enjoyable.

Sonlight planned everything for my homeschool
"Sonlight has planned out every last detail for me. I love that! The Instructor's Guide is jam-packed with helpful information. Just as I'd hoped, the literature has instilled a genuine love of reading and learning in my children. Here, we were fortunate to have a robin build her nest near our house this spring. The kids immediately ran to get Eggs and Chicks [from Science A] to learn all about the process that would unfold." –Lily W of Falcon Heights, MN

I invite you to learn more–about Sonlight and our wonderful programs from preschool through high school.

You can homeschool.

Sarita Holzmann, President

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